House & Garden
The Benefits of Using Natural Garden Pest Control
When maintaining a garden of your own make sure you stay open-minded for pest control techniques, because normally we go with the conventional choice and don’t think about the consequences. Before going all chemical on the flowers, veggies and fruits in your garden, think about all the natural solutions that are available to you. Can you control pests the organic way or do you need chemicals in order to do it? And if you think there’s no such thing as natural garden pest control, you’re wrong. All the pests, from ants to mosquitoes can have different negative effect on the plants, so using pest control is very important, but staying chemical-free is especially preferable if you eat the plants you garden.
Nowadays you can buy natural garden pest control from manufacturers that will help your home garden grow healthy and delicious fresh food without getting bad pesticides that can do more harm than good. If you still wonder why going natural with pest control is better than the chemical controls, here’s a list of pros that I consider very convincing:
- Organic pest control focuses on using a combination of bio – controls and green products to keep the pests away. The companies that offer natural garden pest control have a high experience with local pests and they know how to eliminate them and forbid them to come back.
- If you use chemical pesticides for a long time they will eventually lose their effectiveness. Pests can’t develop resistance, so if a small portion of pests survives a chemical treatment, they’re likely to pass resistance to their offspring. On the other hand, pests are much likely to develop resistance to natural pest control techniques and even pass it to their offspring.
- The most obvious reason why you should choose a natural remedy for the pests is that your plants won’t be exposed to toxins. Spraying chemicals in the garden is not only bad for the eatable plants and the environment, if you have a pet or a child, they are bad for them as well. Kids like playing in the yard and many times they fall in the grass or even want to play with the plants because they seem colorful and interesting to them, so if you use chemicals you will directly expose your children to them. The same goes for pets. So sticking to natural remedies should be a definite consideration if you have kids or pets that like to wander around the garden.
Even though the results from natural garden pest control won’t start immediately like the chemical pest control solutions, they are way more effective in the long run and much safer for your family and for the environment. Many manufacturers today have decided to “go green” and incorporate natural garden pest control sprays and concentrates in their production which gives the costumers the freedom to choose freely and wisely when it comes to growing their flowers, veggies and fruits.
As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.