Health & Beauty
Home Medical Supplies and Their Benefits
At some point in our lives, we all faced an injury or an illness of some kind. Scraped knees or a broken hand when we were kids, deep cuts or high body temperature as adults. It’s an inevitable part of our growing up and everyday life. Going to the hospital and seeing a doctor is necessary in some more serious injury cases. But if it’s a scraped knee or a small knife cut, we can fix it with our home medical supplies.
First Aid Kit
Accidents can happen in a blink of an eye, whether we like it or not. We can’t predict and control these situations, so we must be ready when they come. One way to do this is by having a first aid kit at home. Especially if you have small kids, older people or people with ailments and chronic diseases. This kit should also be on your hiking and camping list. Putting together a well-equipped kit will help you in any situation. Let’s see some of the benefits of having a first aid kit.
- Provide Initial Aid – first, you need to stay calm and address the injury and its seriousness; after assessing the situation, give the necessary treatment and wait for the medical team to arrive.
- Reduces Infection – some deep cuts can cause infections that slow down the healing process and are very uncomfortable for the affected person. By reacting quickly with antiseptic wipes or liquids, you can prevent this from happening.
- Prevent Escalation to Chronic Problems – we need to treat injuries like burns, concussions or head trauma as fast as possible, and you can do that with a first aid kit. If left untreated, they can lead to chronic severe problems later in life.
- Reduce Blood Loss – deep cuts can sometimes be fatal, and if not treated, the person might die of blood loss before the medical help arrives. That’s why your kit must be stocked with bandages and gauzes.
- Gives Confidence – by learning how to provide first aid and having a well-equipped first aid kit, you’ll feel more confident in providing the necessary medical care and using the kit properly.

A thermometer is a measuring instrument that determines the temperature of a body or an object. There are a few types of thermometers on the market, but the most commonly used at the moment is the infrared thermometer. With the COVID-19 pandemic, IR thermometers are used in various applications.
Non-contact measurement is crucial right now, and these thermometers are perfect for the role. They use infrared light to detect the thermal radiation of a body. The non-contact aspect allows you to take the measurement at a safe distance, are easy to use with just one pull of a trigger, and the laser makes the measurement accurate. IR thermometers are accurate and can measure extremely high or low temperatures.
Mercury thermometers are the second most used type. They use mercury inside the filler, and it rises up the tube when the temperature is high. But be careful; if it breaks, it will be hard to clean and dangerous if it gets in touch with the skin. Alcohol thermometers are similar to mercury but are more sensitive to temperature changes. A digital thermometer is easy to use, sensitive to temperature changes and takes the measure by tucking it in the armpit or the mouth. They are commonly used among mothers with small children.

Snake Bite Kit
There are around 3,000 snake bites in Australia each year, and approximately 500 of them require hospitalisation. Because Australia is home to the ten deadliest animals globally, most of them are snakes, carrying a snake bite kit with you is essential. You should know how to use it and how to treat the person who was bitten; this will allow you to save someone’s life.
The basic kit should include two large width bandages, a thermal reflective blanket, a marker pen and an information sheet. After you use the snake bite kit, call an ambulance and make sure the person is calm and motionless. Everyone is at risk of a snake bite, even those living in major cities. Remember, if the snake was venomous, you would experience symptoms like:
- Swelling and bleeding;
- Severe pain;
- Anaphylactic shock;
- Nausea or vomiting;
- Blurred vision;
- Stomach pain;
- Confusion;
- Muscle weakness;
- Paralysis.
Blood Pressure Machine
A lot of people suffer from high blood pressure. It’s a modern-day disease that can cause many heart-related complications and illnesses. This is why monitoring and regulating your blood pressure is important. By measuring and monitoring it at home, people can improve their health and help the doctor make a more accurate diagnosis.
There are two types of blood pressure machines, arm-cuff and wrist-cuff. The cuff inflates, pressuring the arm or wrist in both of them, and the measurements appear on the monitor. Make sure that the cuff fits you comfortably because the results may be inaccurate it doesn’t. Check the accuracy of your monitor by taking it to the doctor’s office and comparing it with theirs. During the procedure, sit quietly and don’t make sudden movements. Make sure your arm is positioned correctly and on bare skin, not over the sleeves.
If you control your blood pressure regularly, heart diseases will decrease. It’s not a complicated procedure, and everyone can do it at home.
Gloves, Masks and Hand Sanitisers
We have used masks, gloves and hand sanitisers in the last couple of years, more than ever. The rise of the pandemic made every homeowner make an ample supply in their house. Although they can protect us from many different viruses, bacteria and infections, people were not using them as often in the past. They can be made of different materials designed for a specific purpose.
Medical gloves are made out of latex, vinyl, nitrile or neoprene. They are elastic, resilient and allergen-free. Healthcare personnel uses them, but you can also use them at home. For example, when you treat a fresh cut or a wound to avoid getting it infected or contaminated, you work with weaker chemicals used for cleaning when making contact with an infected person to prevent the spread of infection.

Masks can be a handy tool when protecting yourself in dangerous situations. They lower the possibility of getting contaminated, help you during an emergency like a fire to not inhale a lot of smoke, or when you clean the old attic and don’t want to breathe in all that accumulated dust. Hand sanitisers are an excellent tool to kill germs on our skin. Use sanitisers that contain at least 60% alcohol to get the desired effect. You should use a hand sanitiser before and after being in contact with a sick person to avoid further transmission of germs.
In Summary
All of these supplies can help us when an unpleasant and dangerous situation strikes. Be sure always to keep them well stacked and at a hand’s reach in an emergency. Also, keep an eye on the expiration date and replace the expired items as soon as possible.
Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.