Health & Beauty
Hypnotherapy Can Help You Break the Negative Thinking Patterns Associated with Smoking
One of my colleagues is trying to quit smoking for good, but it’s going rather slow and really hard for him. I never knew cigarettes could become such an addiction; he starts to sweat like a real junky if he doesn’t smoke for more than a few hours. As much as it may sound strange to non-smokers, smokers know how true this is. Really scary.
I’ve heard success stories from hypnotherapy to quit smoking benefits like improved physical condition, better heart health, improved sleep and a lot better breathing process, just to mention a few. Understandable though, since one cigarette can really wreck havoc in your organism – in case you smokers didn’t know.
Hypnotherapy is rarely seen as an alternative procedure for curing some conditions. However, there are a number of convincing cases of success that give it a certain charm: can someone really talk you out of it? In its essence, hypnotherapy comes down to convincing your mind to do something. Basically, the therapist sits with you, tells you to close your eyes and concentrate on your mind. Eventually, after listening to his instructions, you’ll look like you’re completely unaware of the surrounding around you, but you will be. And you will be repeating to yourself, in this case: ‘I won’t smoke a package of cigarettes a day anymore’ or something similar. Hypnotherapists believe that through this method, it is possible to convince your mind to do a certain action or accept certain belief. Judging by the many success stories, it’s worth the try.
When it comes to trying hypnotherapy to quit smoking benefits speak for itself. It’s not a secret that most cases smokers have a highly reduced breathing capacity, lower energy levels and generally more health problems. While some damage will most likely need time and additional medicaments to be repaired, instant quitting can bring quite visible results.
Higher energy levels
Cigarettes produce a lot of carbon monoxide, which I think everyone knows, is a rather poisonous gas. Carbon monoxide, as such, affects the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. When the brain and the rest of human cells are deprived of oxygen, they don’t function properly, hence the lower energy levels and fatigue.
Improved breathing
The capacity of the lungs increases by 10% in the 9 months period after you quit smoking. After that, you can breath more easily and with a higher capacity, which means you won’t have to give up physical activities due to shortage of breath.
Your skin will look better and younger
It’s just sad to allow your skin to age prematurely because you think you can’t give up cigarettes. Just after a few months of quitting, you’ll notice the dose of freshness and glow coming back on your face.
These are just the few common benefits from quitting smoking. Of course, the list doesn’t stop here, which is more the reason to start researching where and how you can try to undergo hypnotherapy and get rid of your smoking habit for good.
Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.