House & Garden
Give Your Home the Benefit of the Venetian Blinds Window Treatment
It’s not always easy to make the most of your interior. Sometimes you might be in a sticky spot regarding finances, other times you may not find exactly what you’re looking for. The same happened to me when I wanted to find curtains that would complement my décor instead of add to visual clutter. Not being able to get the look I was aiming for, despite having spent money on curtains that I thought would work, I decided to give up on them altogether and go for bare windows instead. I’d seen it all over magazines, the bare look was the trend, particularly so with minimalists.
Since I’d always had curtains, this change wasn’t easy to get used to but the lack of maintenance requirements altogether with the lack of sneezes, turned me into a fan of the trend and perhaps even steered me a bit towards implementing some more minimalism at home. As much as I love the sun and enjoy starting the day with the sun salutation asana (surya namaskar), it didn’t take long for me to notice what overexposure to the damaging sun rays was doing to my precious furniture and floor and yet, it was seeing the damaged artwork that was the boiling point. The problem is UV rays contribute to damage even during cloudy and rainy days so don’t look forward to bad weather (like I did), you’d end up disappointed in any case. So, here I was again, in a dilemma about my windows, looking for the best solution which is when I came across the ingenious design of venetian blinds Australia was so crazy about.
There’s no way back for ruined furniture so it was my last attempt to save what was left of it and postpone a large scale interior makeover. Some venetian blinds Australia round shops have for sale give you the option to get a free sample so you’d be able to easily make up your mind even when you shop online. I was surprised I could install them myself and save on spending money on professional help as it was all perfectly explained in the installation guide. Because I have windows that differ in size, as well as in shape, I made sure to measure up precisely and ordered the custom made option – ideal fit and protection!
I finally have the full control of light, it’s as easy as angling the blinds to be fully open or fully closed, which also gives me the control of privacy. I can say I have the best of both worlds because I have light control and don’t have to go through all the trouble as I did with curtains, I just dust the blinds and wipe them with a cloth occasionally and they’re clean as a whistle. If you haven’t yet given them a chance, I recommend you to do so. You don’t know what you’re missing!
As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.