Choosing the Right Pallet Truck: Your Ultimate Buying Guide

Industrial Equipment

Choosing the Right Pallet Truck: Your Ultimate Buying Guide

A pallet jack is an essential material-handling device for countless businesses. Also known as a pallet pump or truck or, it allows workers to lift and move loaded pallets effortlessly. When it comes to streamlining material handling processes in warehouses, distribution centres, and manufacturing facilities, choosing the right truck is crucial since you will be using it a lot and it will help you get things finished quicker.

Types of Pallet Mover Tool

Transporting palletised products can be quite the hassle, and doing it manually is tiring and oftentimes harmful, so before any injuries happen, invest in the proper lift and transport tool that will ensure your safety and will improve work productivity significantly. Since there are several types, finding the right one for your application should be a problem, so let’s look at a few of the options you have.


Manual pallet jack

The manual pallet trucks are the traditional workhorses of material handling. They usually have a load capacity of 2500 kg. As the name suggests, they are manually operated and require a bit of physical effort from the operator to lift and move pallets.

The operator positions the two forks under the pallet to be moved, raising it off the floor and it’s then steered with the handle to take the load to its desired destination. One advantage of these trucks is that due to their lightweight and small size, they can easily fit in the back of a van, so you can move them from one warehouse to another.


Electric pallet truck

Electric pallet trucks are powered by electric motors, thus reducing the physical strain on operators. They are ideal for larger facilities where material transportation is frequent. They are equipped with safety features, such as an emergency reverse button that instinctively propels the vehicle away from the operator upon impact, prioritising user protection. It includes a lifting button, a lowering lever, and a safety horn for effective communication. It also features an emergency stop button, providing a reliable means of stopping operations in some critical situations.

Importance of Pallet Mover Tools

Depending on the type of pallet truck you choose, they come with different benefits, but let’s look at the benefits that each design offers. They are cost-effective equipment you can invest in for your warehouse because they require less maintenance compared to other similar equipment. You don’t need fuel, and if you choose a manual one you won’t need electricity either, which will save you money.

They are safe. Many workplace injuries happen because of handling heavy loads and you can avoid this by having a few pallet mover jacks on hand with the right size and capacity. Your employees can safely do any heavy lifting with ease using one and the safer the environment is the fewer injuries there will be, so you’re not only saving money but you’re also caring about the well-being of your staff.

Maintenance of Pallet Mover Tools

Taking care of the pallet jacks is vital to ensure their longevity. They require regular upkeep and maintenance to guarantee proper and safe work. It’s important to pay attention to the wheels of the truck. Over time they can become worn out, especially if you neglect them. The dirt on the floor can damage the wheels and all sorts of wires can become stuck between them, slowing down your work.

It’s also important to oil your hand pallet. Even though they are lubricated when you buy them, you need to regularly lubricate them because it can lead to friction, rusting and corrosion. You can oil it monthly or after every cleaning. This oiling includes the wheels, axles and other points. Be careful with the type of lubricant too, as sometimes when they’re too thick they can cause issues.

The forks are exposed to heavy loads daily, so they’re more prone to wear and tear if neglected or not used correctly. They can chip and bend when they aren’t lowered properly before sliding underneath a pallet or they can break if the load isn’t properly distributed. For this reason, you should inspect them daily to prevent damage and accidents in your facility.

Safety First

Using pallet trucks seems very straightforward, however, proper training is essential. People who use them should be well-versed in the equipment’s operation, its safety features and emergency procedures. Remember to:

  • Always inspect the truck before using it, making sure there aren’t any severe wear and tear.
  • Follow the load limit, because most of them have one for a reason. If you overload the truck it can break and cause damage to surrounding equipment or even harming staff members.
  • Avoid ramps or any down inclines, since the load is safely balanced at all times.
  • Store them safely and in the designated storage area and make sure that they aren’t pointing forward at an angle, causing them to become a hazard.

Pallet Movers: Trucks vs Forklifts

Is a pallet truck a forklift? Well, they are significantly smaller than forklifts and they are best for handling smaller and simpler materials. Their main designation is moving loads the size of pallets throughout the warehouse. Forklifts are much larger in scale compared to them and they are often used in heavy lifting and loading situations thanks to their solid lift height.

When it comes to staking and retrieving loads of heavy goods forklifts are your friend. So, it all depends on what you’re going to be using it for. The significance of each truck extends beyond its physical form. It’s about choosing a tool that aligns with your operational needs, workforce dynamics and budgetary considerations.

But it isn’t just about the selection. After you’ve picked the right one for your work environment, you need to take care of it and your employees. Regular maintenance, as well as safety training, will ensure a smooth ride, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and above all a safer workspace for your staff. So, let the hum of well-chosen pallet movers resonate through the efficiency of your material handling processes.

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Chris Wilson

Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.

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