Acoustic Guitars for Kids: Discussing All Their Lovely Benefits


Acoustic Guitars for Kids: Discussing All Their Lovely Benefits

Music has always been beneficial for children and playing the guitar is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. The first question you need to sort out is which type of guitar you wish to get for your child – an acoustic guitar or electric one.

Acoustic guitars have proven to be easier for use, more affordable and fun. Buying a small acoustic guitar for your kid is probably the best way to motivate them to start guitar lessons.

Playing Guitar Improves Memory


Improves Memory

Reliable research shows that learning how to play the guitar improves children’s memory and intelligence. Playing the guitar enlarges the left side of the brain, which is responsible for performing tasks that have to do with logic, such as math and science. Parts of the brain that control hearing, memory, and the part that controls the hands, all become more active. It’s considered that musical kids tend to remember five times more information when compared to non-musical kids.

Children can drink in information fast, and learning guitar will help them to structure their memory and improve this skill.

Enhances Creativity

Music is a creative language that opens children’s horizons and enhances their creativity. Playing the guitar can help your kid explore and discover new cultures through styles of music like rock, blues, reggae, country, funk, and jazz. By learning different pieces of music in different styles, children can easily engage their artistic sensibilities and creativity. Finally, they will grow to appreciate the general culture of music and begin to identify their preferences.

By learning guitar from a young age, children are also learning to develop their critical thinking. Slowly they will start to correct their errors and respond to the inevitable wrong notes of others too.

Teaches Concentration & Discipline

There‘s no better way to teach your kid to discipline than guitar lessons. Regular practice requires concentration and discipline, especially with the challenging parts. It will teach your child to be persistent, which is a great quality that applies to other areas in life too. Through practising, kids are learning how to multitask, from creating the right chord shape with their hands and concentrating on playing the notes accurately to reading ahead for upcoming notes and listening to the sounds being made.

small acoustic guitar for kids


Why Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic guitars are much more affordable. They are complete units and don’t need any extras such as an amplifier, cables and power supply (electric guitars neds all of these). You can easily find a small acoustic guitar that is durable and long-lasting at an affordable price.

Acoustic guitars are portable. Another great thing about this instrument is that your kid can just pick it up and go anywhere. The portability of the acoustic guitar makes it easier for kids to go to guitar classes and practice almost anywhere.

They make learning the basics easier. Most guitarists agree that learning the basics is a lot easier and less frustrating with an acoustic guitar for kids. There’re too many songs your kid can learn with just a few simple chords.

They are suitable for songwriting. It’s quite common for advanced students to start writing songs. With an acoustic guitar, kids can start writing lyrics and tunes even with the knowledge of just a few chords.

How to Choose the Right One Guitars for Kids


How to Choose the Right One


When choosing a guitar for your kid, it’s important to choose the right size. Regarding the age of your kid, you should consider a guitar that is size-appropriate. All the acoustic guitar models feature this information in the specification box. Make sure to read the specifications carefully, since a guitar that is too large can be difficult to use and very uncomfortable. With the right size, your child will experience more enjoyment and success in playing.


The majority of material comprising modern acoustic guitars is wood. To ensure durability and long-lasting, you can opt for an acoustic guitar made of a basswood body and maple neck. Mahogany, walnut, spruce and holly are also popular woods used for the body and the neck of a guitar.

Colourful Guitras



Acoustic guitars are available in every imaginable colour, so you can easily find one that matches your kid’s colour preferences. You’d be surprised to learn that colours play a huge part in motivation and encouragement to play, especially for young kids. However, it might be a smart idea to talk to your child before purchasing a guitar, to understand their motivation and interest.

At What Age to Start Playing

While every child is different, it’s generally a good idea to wait until your kid is six years old before starting guitar lessons. Before this age, their hands are too small and their fingers too chubby to place them properly on the strings and frets.

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Olivia Hammonds

As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.

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