4 Essentials to Give Your Horse a Comfortable and Happy Life

Sports & Travel

4 Essentials to Give Your Horse a Comfortable and Happy Life

Owning and taking care of a horse is a big responsibility. Horses need a lot of attention and care. They’ll take a lot of your time while doing everyday runs, rides, feeding, grooming, going to the vet, hoof care and much more. They’re also very sensitive physically and emotionally, so providing them with a sense of comfort and safety is a must. There are a few essentials that can help you do this and make your life much easier.

Find a Comfortable Saddle

horse saddle
Source: freepik.com

The saddle is the main point of contact between you and the horse. That’s why it’s very important not to just be comfortable for you but also for the horse. Before buying the saddle, you should measure the horse or the gullet size. In this case, you’ll find four sizes: narrow, medium, wide and extra wide. Most full-grown horses will need a medium, but the larger breeds may need up to wide or extra wide.

Buy your saddles from a reliable supplier. Find a well-supplied horse saddlery shop and browse through their selection. Their experienced staff can help you with any issues or questions you might have. The primary thing to decide on is the material of the saddle. Your two main options are:

  • Leather is a hard-wearing, durable material that can stand up to a lot of wear and tear. Even though it’s a bit expensive, it’s a long-term investment worth every cent. Leather will also shape around the horse and yourself. Because it’s pliable, it will give both of you maximum comfort. However, leather can be harder to clean and maintain because it requires special attention. 
  • Synthetic materials, on the other hand, are easier to clean, cheaper and lightweight. Keep in mind that they don’t provide the same level of comfort and will get damaged faster. 
  • In terms of types, there are several you can choose from depending on your riding style and experience levels: 
  • The English saddle is very popular for beginners. It’s lightweight, it gives you more contact with the horse, and it has a flatter look.
  • The general-purpose saddle speaks for itself. It has adjustable stirrups to give you more comfort. Its flexibility is what makes it popular with both beginners and experienced riders. 
  • The dressage saddle is specialized for flatwork. It has a deep seat and long straight straps. 
  • The jumping saddle is perfect for jumping performances. 
  • There are also, racing, endurance, polo, showing, western and side saddles. All of them have different designs and features to make riding easier.

Get a Blanket for Cold Days

Once temperatures start falling, horses need extra protection from the cold. Invest in a horse blanket to keep them warm and comfortable. Horse sheets are good when the weather isn’t that harsh and you need only a lightweight coverage. They’re lightweight and thin, and will protect the horse from sunburns, hair colour fading, and dust getting deep inside the hair.

Stable blankets are good if you keep your horses in a barn or in a stable. They’re not usually waterproof so don’t let them get wet. Turnout blankets on the other hand are waterproof. They’re made for horses that stay outdoors exposed to the elements. But don’t worry, wind, snow and rain won’t penetrate them.

You can find blankets like this in a well-supplied horse saddlery shop. They have a variety of sizes and designs to choose from. If you don’t know what size your horse is, grab a soft measuring tape. Start at the middle point of its chest, along its body up until the middle part of the tail. Compare this number to the size chart and you got it.

These blankets come in many colour and design options. They all cover the horse from the shoulders to the tail. However, some have an open and some have a closed end. The open one gives the horse more movement options. Last but not least, store the blanket properly when not in use. Clean it from hairs, give it a cold wash with mild detergent, air dry it, fold it and keep it in a dry place.

Don’t Forget the Boots

horse boots
Source: sprucewoodtack.com

Boots have one purpose: to protect the horse’s legs from injuries. They will also absorb a portion of the impact when the foot lands on the ground. They come in pairs and are made of durable materials such as plastic, neoprene, sheepskin or leather. To keep them as secure as possible, they have a few fastenings as well.

Horse boots are sold in tack shops and they come in several varieties. Brushing boots protect the leg’s lower part and are great for flatwork training and hacking. Tendon boots are made for the forelegs during show jumping. Fetlock boots protect the fetlock joint, are very flexible and have good ventilation.

There are also overreach boots, also known as bell boots. They’re protecting the hoofs and preventing the horse from overreaching. The cross-country ones are lightweight, and strong and offer a high level of protection. Last but not least, travelling boots. They cover a big part of the leg and have Velcro straps. It may take the horse some time to get used to wearing them, but it’s worth it.

How About Some Bandages?

Bandages are also known as wraps. They have a very similar purpose as the boots, to protect the movement system of the horse from twists, sprains, tearing of tendons and other potential injuries. A lot of riders prefer bandages because they’re a cheaper option compared to boots.

If you decide to buy them, make sure they’re flexible enough. They shouldn’t conform to the animal’s legs. Make sure they’re moisture-wicking and breathable. Bandages should be made of high-quality materials that are simple and easy to clean and maintain.

You’ll find bandages in three sizes: pony, thoroughbred and warmblood. If you’re not sure which one to get, ask the seller for advice. They’ll be able to help you. If you accidentally buy a bigger size, you can always trim it down. What matters most, though, is that you know how to bandage the horse correctly. If not, there’s no point in buying bandages.

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Olivia Hammonds

As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.

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