3 Benefits Of Timing Belt Replacement
The timing belt is an important part of a vehicle, hidden behind plastic or metal dust covers and other components of the engine, including other belts. This makes it hard to see its condition without removing the covers which is why many people think it’s not worth to bother with some things that cannot be seen. And of course, many say “if it’s not broken, no need to fix it”.
But this is wrong and is one of the many reasons why you see so many vehicles pulled to the side of the road; as it happens, most of the belts rarely show off warning signs before it’s too late! If you don’t want that to be you, be sure to give your car timing belt an inspection or better yet pay professionals at timing belt replacement Melbourne shops a visit because they have the needed tools and experience for the job!
Sure, it might not be that difficult of a DIY project, though you’d require the needed tools and skills to pull it off, along with extra strength in some instances, like removing the harmonic balancer, and it might take you longer than a couple of hours to finish it considering it’s not that easily accessible so you’re better off leaving it in the hands of experts.
What does a timing belt do, you ask? Well, starting from the fact it’s a component of the internal combustion engine, it’s essential with the synchronisation of the rotation of both the crankshaft and camshaft because if not for this the engine’s valves (intake and exhaust) wouldn’t operate properly, that is, they wouldn’t open and close when necessary.
It’s shown to be quite the improvement from chains in the 70s and 80s as it adds to increased mileage and the cars are more lightweight and affordable which would explain why most cars today have belts rather than chains. There are many reasons why you should keep your time belt in great condition, especially if your car is older or you bought a used one.
Knowing when to replace timing belt is key in preventing car damage. According to car manufacturers and experienced mechanics, the regular inspection and replacement should be after every 96,000 kilometres (i.e. 60,000 miles), though with some car models this could be up to 72 months or 140,000 kilometres specifically so be sure to check for manufacturer’s recommendations.
If in good condition and properly maintained, the timing belt purpose is to provide minimal vibration and chordal effect and high mechanical efficiency. Also it’s bound to improve the power transmission efficiency, reduce noise, resist chemicals and contaminants, provide weight savings as well clean operation to your vehicle and much more.
So, do not be one of those people who think that timing belt is not that much of an important part of your vehicle. Moreover, do not wait for timing belt change once it wears out or even breaks because it can cause serious damage to your car. Along with the water pump, crankshaft and camshaft seals, it’s considered a “wear” part.
As soon as you suspect any loose timing belt symptoms, bad timing belt sound or faults in general, visit a reputable timing belt replacement Melbourne shop. Some of the warning signs are clanking noise with the engine which happens when the belt jumps and the valves collide, poor engine operation or no operation at all, or the engine stops abruptly when running.
An additional sign to be aware of is oil leakage at the front of the motor. Investing in preventive inspection and replacement, you can be sure your timing belt is in great condition and your car is safe to drive without you having to even get your hands dirty or waste effort and hours of your time trying to inspect and fix it.
Here are three benefits of belt replacement that prove it’s an aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Increase in Horse Power
Taking your vehicle to a timing belt replacement shop and changing the timing belt as scheduled will benefit you in many ways. The fist and the most important one is that having this piece in great condition will increase acceleration and horse power when you hit the gas pedal. You will be surprised by the power of your engine after replacing the timing belt so you’re in for a treat.
Better Fuel Economy
Changing the timing belt when needed will dramatically increase your gas mileage. With the crankshaft and camshaft properly adjusted and the properly fitted new timing belt, the valves of your vehicle will give you a great combustion whenever you’re traveling. Do not forget, the timing belt replacement mileage is after 96,000 km driven, because the chances for stretched and cracked timing belt are higher, something that can cause poor adjustment and a loose fit around the gears. So, the answer is yes, going to experienced timing belt replacement Melbourne shop is necessary.
Lower Auto Repair Cost
Another important reason why you should have your timing belt replaced as scheduled is lower auto repair cost. The average cost of timing belt replacement, if it’s preventive, goes up to five hundred dollars for smaller cars and up to a thousand for bigger ones.
If this sounds expensive to you, it’s good to have in mind the damages caused from a broken timing belt will cost you several thousands, more so if this damage leads to other issues with other parts such as with the valves, water pump or even the engine as a whole, worse if it’s the case with interference engine as its valves can be damaged by the pistons!
Therefore, it is essential to have your vehicle inspected in a trustworthy auto shop to ensure safe driving and prevent costly repairs, so think of it as an investment rather than as an expense; It’s not whether the belt will break or not, rather it’s a question of when it’s going to break which is why you should take action in time, protect yourself and your vehicle!
Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.