Health & Beauty
3 Benefits of Asana Yoga
Numerous people across the world enjoy the benefits of yoga. Yoga is considered to be one of the best physical activities that helps in achieving inner peace and balance between your body, mind and spirit. In the recent years, more and more people decided to try yoga in Australia. Many Australians are taking yoga classes since the benefits of yoga are discussed in public by many health experts.
There are many types (limbs) of yoga. All limbs feature specific positions and techniques that help in relieving stress and anxiety. Each of the yoga limbs features several differences in terms of position and techniques, and because of that each limb brings specific benefits for your health.
Our focus in this text will be on one of the most commonly practiced yoga limbs – asana yoga. In short, let’s explore the main characteristics and benefits of this yoga limb.
The term asana yoga means “to sit” or “sitting position”, and can be described as “comfortably seat”. This yoga limb is a set of techniques for keeping your body still and straight while controlling the breathing. The benefits of asana yoga are numerous, but here are the three main benefits that make asana yoga a preferred yoga limb:
- Reduces and controls the level of stress – The asana yoga is a great way to relax after the stressful working day. It will help you to relieve the stress level and anxiety by helping you to stay focused only on the important things. The slow movements and the concentration of your breathing will make you forget about the negative thoughts.
- Helps you to loose weight – Regular practice of asana yoga will help you to stay mentally strong and focused on your goal: loosing weight. Furthermore, the different positions will help your muscles to remain relaxed which contributes greatly for loosing those extra kilograms in your body.
- Improves the strength, flexibility and balance of your body – The coordinated movements in asana yoga are good way to stretch your muscles, and with that you will be able to keep your body flexible and balanced. Since the asana yoga is good for all organs in your body, it will help you to strengthen and improve your overall health.
As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.